Senior Activities Program (SAP)

The Senior Activities Program (SAP) provides a venue for seniors to remain active while creating new friends. It promotes healthy eating and exercise through dance, bowling, hiking and many other activities in order to prevent or reverse heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The LIME Foundation contracted with Healdsburg Nutrition and a private yoga instructor to offer multiple six-to-seven week courses to seniors. Participants are also encouraged to take advantage of supplemental, private, 15-minute phone coaching sessions. Healdsburg Nutrition has designed these sessions to address chronic health issues and resistance to changing unhealthy habits, thoughts and behaviors.

Program details

During each course or cohort, classes take place once per week, for two hours per day. The first 90 minutes of the program encompass aging and nutrition, brain health, bone health, energy boosters and stress reducers, cardiovascular health, and digestion. Each class includes food preparation demonstrations with dishes such as salads, healthy desserts, breakfast smoothies, and others. The last 30 minutes of the class consist of gentle stretching, chair yoga, and mindfulness activities. In 2018, the Senior Activities Program was offered In the fall of 2018 at the Windsor Senior Center, serving 14 seniors ages 55 and up.

“It’s very encouraging for people to realize that even though they might think they weren’t doing so well, that they could improve their health and do better!” 

Senior Activities Program participant, 2018

Contact us if you’d like to get involved in our senior programs through SAP!

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